Saturday, June 11, 2011


So... I Decided to end My Career at Z Salon and Continue on to Advance my career at a NEW Salon in St. Matthews!  J. Michaels Spa and Salon!  This time in my life is bittersweet!  I have cried so much over the past few weeks, tears of sadness for leaving my Z family.  They have taught me everything I have know which is priceless!  And I look up to so many people here!  I am so thankful and my heart is so sad to leave them.  BUT- at the same time I am very excited for all of the new opportunities ahead!  I will start advanced training in HAIR COLOR!  I am so super excited for this!  This takes my career to a whole new lever of being a Hair Artist!  I cannot wait to share what I learn with all of my guests!  With all new things a little bit of nerves and anxiousness starts to stir up...but I know that "I can do ALL things thru Christ who gives me Strength!" PHIL 4-13!  And then... I know I'm GREAT! ;) XO!

1 comment:

  1. I am now at J Michaels Spa and Salon! You can call 502.742.8790 and visit our website at follow my blog for more updates!
